Pelvic Floor Health Birth Doula

Natural birth is what comes naturally to you, according to your personal needs and desires. I have had three natural births, two of them water births. I am a believer in the power of a woman’s body to birth her baby. I help to create the sacred space for you to have the birth story you desire for you and your child. I help you to understand the difference between “pain with a purpose” and “suffering” in labor.
I am not hired to speak for you. You hire me to educate you and your partner, and to provide you a trusted guide during the birthing process so that you can “own your birth.” What does “owning your birth” mean? It means you are able to communicate confidently with the medical professionals about
your informed choices.
Because of my extensive birth and life experience, I am able to help you be seen and
heard by medical doctors and staff. The field of Obstetrics can often feel more
mechanistic and focused on medical control and interventions, than supporting and
honoring a woman’s ability to naturally birth her baby. Setting the tone for the birth room
in a positive way is an art form and one of the vital tools I am able to offer my birth clients.
Due to my ability to help the medical staff feel calm and safe while we navigate a birth
family’s individual birth preferences, my clients have a greater ability to create their
positive birth story.
I offer a “boutique style” approach which means I schedule one birth family each month
or so (versus multiple clients each month) to ensure I can give each family my calm,
focused and undivided attention. Supporting and guiding women, SMBC and couples
through navigating prenatal appointments with medical staff, gaining clarity and confidence for their birth preferences, and building trust for the birth team, are all part of mom having a positive birth experience.
My Pelvic Floor Health Doula Packages include a Birth Partner Workshop and manual to provide my clients with the following tools for “owning their birth”:
Birth Wisdom Yoga Birth Breathing and Softening
Hands-on teaching of comfort measures for back labor and discomfort in labor.
Photos and the teaching of research-based poses to create space as baby rotates and descends in childbirth.
Positions for mom for the pushing phase of labor that optimize room for baby.
My Integrative Pelvic Floor Health program to support and prepare the pelvic floor for birth, and the postpartum healing period.
Pelvic Floor Breathing and Body Alignment for an Optimal Birth Experience.
How to "breathe your baby out" and protect your perineum.
How to advocate peacefully with hospital staff for a positive birth experience.
Informed consent questions with specific ways to advocate with your care provider if interventions are recommended.
Supporting mom through each stage of labor.
Creating Intimate Space for Mom and Baby to ensure a positive birth experience.
Decisions to discuss with your care provider before the birth.
Discussion of all of your plans, concerns and questions, to help ensure you have comfort and clarity moving forward.
When to go to the birth center and what it will look like when you arrive there.
Tips for nurturing yourself after your baby is born.
Pelvic Floor Birth Doula packages include the following:
1. Complimentary meet and interview appointment, in-person, virtual or by phone.
2. A 3-4-hour Prenatal appointment, which includes my very popular Birth Partner and “Dudela” training workshop, so your partner will learn everything they need to know to support you mentally and physically in birth.
*This appointment is also customized for SMBC.
3. A copy of my book, Birth Wisdom Yoga Remedies and Journal to prepare weekly for birth.
4. A copy of the Birth Partner Training Guide.
5. A Birth Wisdom Yoga recorded meditation to practice during pregnancy.
6. A Pelvic Floor Breathing recorded exercise to prepare for birth.
7. Birth Doula Support during your entire birth.
8. Postpartum Appointment check -in after the birth. We will assess breast-feeding and or feeding support, emotional support and any questions that may be arising for the birth parents during the first week at home. This appointment can be in person, virtual or over the phone.
9. One to five Prenatal Yoga, and or Postpartum Pelvic Floor Yoga sessions depending on package purchased.
Financial Aid is available for families in need.
First half of payment for Pelvic Floor Birth Doula Services is due on the day of signing your agreement to hire Julia, and second half is due on the first day of the birth month.

"Julia’s presence, coaching, support, wisdom and care helped us have a birth of our child that could not have been scripted any better. Everything we had hoped for, came true. We will be forever grateful for what Julia Piazza has done for us, and more importantly for our child."

"Natural birth is what comes naturally to you."
Julia Piazza Women's Integrative Health Specialist
Support Levels
- Pelvic Floor Preferred
Health and Post-Partum Fitness Package
3,200$Pelvic Floor Birth Doula Services- 3 Prenatal Yoga Classes
- 3 Post-Partum Yoga Classes
- 1 Mommy and Me Classes
Delivery Preparation Package
2,800$Pelvic Floor Birth Doula Services- 3 Prenatal Yoga Classes
- 1 Post-Partum Yoga Classes
- 1 Mommy and Me Yoga Class
Birth Knowledge Package
2,500$Pelvic Floor Birth Doula Services- 1 Prenatal Yoga Class
- 1 Post-Partum Yoga Class