Certified Pelvic Floor Health Therapy
Pelvic floor dysfunction is not a problem localized to the pelvic floor muscles. The pelvic floor hammock of muscles is impacted by multiple body and mind functions that can include body alignment, breathing, muscle flexibility, muscle tone, pregnancy, postpartum, perimenopause and menopause, emotional health, and nutrition. My Integrative Pelvic Floor Health program treats the pelvic floor as the core of the female anatomy. I support and treat the whole woman.
Pelvic floor dysfunction can range from small daily irritations to acute pain and "dis-ease." Women that I support have had stress incontinence, urge incontinence, over-active bladder, pelvic pain, pain with sex, and prolapse. The cause of these pelvic floor related disorders is not just about the pelvic floor muscles. By looking at the body, mind and spirit of each woman, I create a treatment plan that heals her from the inside out. I provide my clients with custom prescriptions for daily movement.
These healing focus activities can include proper body alignment, retraining of breath, correcting everyday movement patterns, nutrition, intuitive journaling, sacred reflective time, custom pelvic floor meditation and yoga flows. The synergy of these healthy life practices leads to a vibrant pelvic floor and unlimited possibilities for living an abundant life.
My clients will often discover other body or life problems dissolve as they pursue a comprehensive pelvic floor health plan. Examples of the progress my clients have experienced include relief from pregnancy, postpartum, perimenopause, menopause, lower back, hip or shoulder pain, healing of romantic or family relationships, and depression and anxiety. My goal for each woman I treat is to eventually not need my services or other medical interventions. I empower each woman with the tools she needs to create a vibrant functional pelvic floor for the rest of her life.
My success with you can be in person or virtual. I also offer group Pelvic Floor Wisdom Circles in person and online that are a wonderful “girls night.” These are not for acute problems, but are excellent for embracing the goddess within through our female community, bridal showers, or celebration of any kind with your female friends.